Lao Foundation Welcomes Scholars from the Davao del Sur State College

On September 26, 2023, Lao Foundation held its 1st Scholarship Awarding and Orientation with Davao del Sur State College (DSSC) for the pilot batch of 10 children of coconut farmers and their parents. This scholarship is in collaboration with the D&L Group of Companies under its CSR Project and part of the coconut farming community sustainability initiatives of the D&L Group. LFI hopes that these scholars who are taking agriculture-related courses will be able to finish their studies and be the next generation of farmers that our country needs.
Dr. Siverlyn M. Camposano, DSSC Vice President for Academic Affairs, expressed her gratitude to the Lao Foundation team and representatives of D&L Group of Companies for choosing DSSC as recipients of the scholarship. She also encouraged the 1st batch of LFI scholars in their school to do their best.
Ms. Cristina Embate-Viray, LFI Head of Operations further inspired the scholars by sharing her personal take on the meaning of LFI – L-ife, F-eelings, and I-nspiration, that as LFI scholars they should remind themselves of. The scholars were reminded that they are the ones responsible and the ones who can create the life they aspire for themselves and their families. She also encouraged them to choose to inspire and be an inspiration as it would take all of us making an effort and joining together to make a better life for us all.
In addition, Ms. Carmelany Garcia, Oleo-Fats Incorporated Commodities Supply Chain Director, used the concept of a coconut seedling that undergoes growth and the coconut nut that undergoes a lot of processes before it can make the best product out of it as way of motivating the scholars. Like the coconut that can end up being part of the best chocolate in the world, they have the potential to become the best in their chosen field.
Congratulations scholars for committing to being an LFI scholar and working towards building your minds, transforming your hearts, and changing your lives!